I picked up some black raspberries when we visited my SIL. Her raspberries are now starting to ripe. She said that she already have some in the freezer. She makes them into jam and jelly. She also has other fruits in her big backyard like pears, strawberries and cherries. Our apple on the other hand is not doing so well. I don't think it will bear fruit this year because it did not bore flowers. I would like to be able to learn how to make juice out of fresh fruits.
I remember last year, my father-in-law and my daughter made some tomato juice using his old timer juicer. I browsed some
Popular Juicers online and I found so many different kinds with unique different features. The
Breville JE900 is really nice but I think that my favorite one is this Breville JE95XL, a two speed juice fountain plus. It is on sale at Amazon but I can't buy it right now since I don't have budget for it. Maybe next time, besides I still have to learn how.
My SIL taught me how to make wilted lettuce yesterday. Yeah I know, some of you might rolled your eyes but I don't have any idea about this kind of stuff so I am trying to explore. At least I am trying to learn here hehehe and I think, that is what's important right? Anyhow, if you guys are looking for a good juicer for this summer or for any season for that matter, just please visit the links I have provided above.
I really want to learn how to extract juice from the fruit. Sometime soon, maybe. When you have the resources/gadgets already, I think that it won't be so hard to learn how to do it. Don't you agree?