I was busy writing a review yesterday and my daughter kept strumming my love handle. So I asked her what she wanted and she said "Can I blog too, Mom?" I told her that she can when she's old enough hehehe. This blogging is addictive and contagious. I let her use the computer for a bit while I was cooking.
To get her mind off from blogging, I asked her to pose for a photo shoot for me. So she did and here she is . Have a blessed Wednesday everyone!
I am a home buddy type of person so I don't mind staying inside the house. However, I have gas butt (lakwacheros) members here who always want to go somewhere. My husband took us in the City Seven mall in Changwon last Saturday. It's a 30-minute drive from our place. We had a great time unwinding there. We ate at the food court before we stroll inside the mall. My husband found his favorite dessert. The mall has a unique structure, it has a cone shape. Nothing much to see inside the mall though, just expensive stuff and a lot of restos. What we have enjoyed was the outside part of the mall where there's a gorgeous place to sit and relax. Our princess had a good time with the tiger statues
It's been a while since I work out in the Gym, whew, too busy blogging lol. Before my husband went back to work yesterday, he asked me if I could bring the kids outside so they could play for a while. I decided that instead of playing in the play area, I took them for a walk all the way down to my husband's work.
The heat of the sun was so intense yesterday that I was sweating even if I took shower before we left. The kids were having fun because I was running and walking (alternately) while pushing the kids on a stroller. I had my exercise yesterday.
It took us 45 minutes before we arrived at hubby's work (yup, its far). His boss told me "You must be very bored that you walked all the way down here".
I was going to take the kids in this area because I saw the ocean but I wasn't sure if we are allowed to go there so we went straight to Daddy's work. I stopped running when I noticed that they were both silent, they were already asleep lol.. But anyhow, when we got to hubby's work, he took us at the back of their office where there are a lot of frogs. My daughter had a blast watching the froggies. We've waited for EJ to wake up so he could see the frogs too. I was going to walk back home but hubby decided to drive us home since it was time for him to get off from work too.Have a nice day everyone!
I am dead tired right now. I just got done scrubbing our bathrooms and now I am doing the laundry, whew! I fed my two burritos before I cleaned the BRs, so when I got done I tried to eat my lunch too but I was just starting when my daughter heller for help "Mom, please clean me up I pooped." So I cleaned her up and went back to my lunch.
For the second time she called me again and said "Mom, EJ pooped too!" Oh no, Mom's job never ends. Now I am hungry because I wasn't able to finish my lunch with those poop intervention.... But then again when you see their smiling faces, all your hard labor is worth it.
Somehow in their very early age, our lil' burritos seems to be so interested in cooking. I find it fascinating because I never liked cooking when I was growing up, I'd rather every household chores than cook. Mama used to tell me that when I get married, my husband will leave me because I don't know how to cook. I don't know if she was just bluffing me so I will try to cook or what hehehe. But anyhow, when I got married, I realized that Mama is right. As the saying goes that "A way to a man's heart is his stomach" or my version "The secret to a man's heart is a full stomach."
My daughter Rylie, doing the brownie mix. If her dad make a brownie without her, she would get upset and cry hehehe. She love licking the batter mix left at the mixing bowl lol..
Here's our super makulit EJ, he love fried rice so if I tell him that I am making some, he would say "Lemme see Mom" and then he will try to mix it with the best of his ability lol..
Our burritos were having fun with my daughter's umbrella the other day. Even if my husband said that it's bad luck to open an umbrella inside the house, they still did it lol... So I looked for a music video online for them to listen to and they started dancing..
We were invited to a going away party for our favorite and very good friend Kuya Noel. He will be leaving at the end of this month. Kuye Noel is a well-like person because he is true, a real person inside and out. We will going to miss you Kuya! That's one part of the military life i don't like, you meet good friends and then when its time to leave its hard.
John and Dennis..
Dennis' wife Marjorie with yours truly.
Before I left, we took this picture outside where the men are having a drinking spree...
John and the kids went home earlier than me, Rylie just did not want to stay there because all the kids were boys and she did not have anyone to play.
Hello there folks, it is Friday again and its time for another exciting Mommy Moment entry. This week's theme is outdoor Fun.. A perfect theme for my kids and hubby because they all love being outside... So here are my entries...In front of our house enjoying the 2007 winter brrrr...
@ FIL's backyard... This is when we climbed at Mt. Jiri in June last year. At my brother-in-law's pool.. @ my dad-in-laws front yard, just having fun with the Fall leaves Father's day last year.. just acting silly hehehe..
This is how we celebrated my birthday last year, we just had a family walk and enjoy the view here..
Thanks for visiting and commenting guys,.. have a nice day!