Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How can you be a very Good Saver?

My husband was pretty shocked when he checked one of our checking account online to see if the deposit he made at the bank today came in already. He did not know that I have been putting my blogging earning there and he was pretty amazed how much we have in there hahaha. He thought that it was pretty much empty. He asked me "How can you be a pretty good saver hon?"

Well hon, I just want us to have a cushion in case of rainy days, that is why I have been saving the money I earn from blogging.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dress Up Game

The kids were so quiet this morning at their room so I went to their room to check what they were doing and found out that they were dressing up their stuff toys. Rylie said that it's her Lamb Chop's birthday so she dress her up. She also dressed up her brother's Baba Bear.
Usually when they're quite they're into something, am glad it wasn't messy hehehe.

Winter Sale

I took this shot when my husband and I went to Steubenville Ohio. This was when the snow was just starting to melt, the water was pouring down the hillside. Right now the weather is still cold over here and its driving the kids crazy as they love to play outside.

But anyhow, the reason hubby and I drove there that time is to check out the indoor lighting on sale, hubby said that it's the perfect time to buy those kind of products while they are on sale. Now I am looking forward to checking out other winter sale, I may find some affordable solar lights for my garden. The former set that i had at my yard ware ruined already, I guess it was blown out by a strong wind.

It is also a good time to buy those winter clothes that will go out on sale. You sure doesn't need it this summer but it will definitely come in handy on the next winter season.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Couch Potato Dog

If you think that only humans love watching TV, you are wrong because our Jack Russel Terrier pup is a couch potato too. Champ like watching TV on top of this couch. Pretty ambitious isn't it? Can you please get down there little fella?

New Shoes

The kids were digging into the closet the other day and found their new pair of shoes that we bought when we were still in Korea. They were still a little bigger but they tried it anyway lol.
Rylie said that she will be using those pair in school, EJ said he would too hahahaaha.. KIDS!

Table Napkin Holder

I found this tale napkin holder at my FIL's basement, I find it very cute so I put it in his kitchen window. It is broken on the other side already maybe that's why my FIL put it away. But it makes pretty decor in the kitchen right?

Happy  Monday everyone!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Yours by Alyssa Bernal

I found this to one of the blogs I visited and liked the voice of Alyssa Bernal, a Mexican American singer. I am not really familiar with her but according to her profile at youtube, she recorded a debut album already in London, England. Listen to the song and tell me what you think? 24EUGYB6869J

Friday, March 26, 2010

Silk Plant .. Wandering Jew Plant

My sister-in-law Chris has a big basket of the wandering jew plant and she gave me three vines to grow to. a couple of days after, this silk plant gave me a bloom. We have this kind of plant over in the Philippines and we call it a different name but I couldn't recall what it was.
I love the pattern of her leaves and they make beautiful hanging plants.
I entwined her into the lucky bamboo.

Glorious Sunrise

I woke up early last Tuesday morning and begun cooking breakfast. I open up the blinds in our kitchen window and saw the beautiful sight of sunrise. I told my husband about it and he took a couple of shots. Taken from inside the kitchen by my husband.

I went out in our back porch and took another two shots.

Isn't sunrise signifies hope? looking at the sunrise always makes me dream of something beautiful and worthwhile.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Max & Ruby

Both of our burritos love watching the show Max & Ruby. Rylie even drew their faces and cut it out. Max & Ruby is a show of two bunny siblings where the eldest (Ruby) try to et the rules on everything that she and her brother Max will do. Rylie would do that to EJ too by telling him "Do this, don't do that " and that kind of stuff which always ends up in disagreement lol.

So here you go guys, Rylie's version of Max & Ruby.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Got lucky with Online Dating

This March marked the 7th year when my husband and I met for the first time in person. we have dated for 6 months online before he finally decided to see and meet me. He came on my graduate school graduation and that was the most memorable graduation I've had because he was my escort when I took my diploma.

I am so glad that I took the advise of my student assistant before at the office where I used to work. She was the one who told me about online dating when I was so busy writing my thesis. I laughed at her when she told me about it at first. I joke to her to make me a profile thinking that she wouldn't do it but to my surprise she really did and even uploaded a photo of me. What a luck because the day when my free trial was expiring, my husband found my profile.. and the rest is history lol!

Anyhow, online dating is a good way to meet friends or even special someone. You just have to be careful in dealing with people online because a lot of them don't have good intentions. There are some that are genuine but most of them are opportunist.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Caught in Action

This is how they act when you caught them doing something they are not suppose to.

Mommy: What are you doing guys?
Rylie: Mommy we are just looking!
Mom: What is EJ up to?
Rylie: Oh he is just curious about the camera.
Mom: EJ what are you doing?
EJ: Take a pichure of me, take a pichure of me Mommy.
Mom: Okay, EJ look! Oh, you missed it..

They want to click click click too all the time, just like Mommy!

For my Blue Monday here's EJ showing something. NO, he isn't making a finger but showing you the guitar kitchen that I found in my memory box. Hubby and I bought this when we had our honeymoon in Cebu Philippines 7 years ago.

This little man has to get into everything these days. Happy Blue Monday everyone!

Our Door Mat

When you visit our house, you will see this door mat at our entrance door. I ordered this online where you can find neat designs of door mats. I am planning to get us a new one because it is getting old but of course I will keep it as a remembrance .How about you folks, what kind of door mat do you like, a customized one or pre-designed ones?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blacklight Arts

We visited my sister-in-law the other night and she gave the kids some presents (toys, clothes, and art stuff). Rylie is so happy with her stencils and blacklight arts. When we came home, she colored it right away even if I told her that we will just do it the next day, she did not wait at all lol. See, she is still wearing her jacket. Tank you so much Chris!

We found this artificial flower when we went to the park the other day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Communicating Trees

We went to the playground up by my FIL's house yesterday ad I took a lot of photos of my kids playing and running around. Of course, I did not forget to take some for my Friday meme adventures. I found these tree branches really pretty. Seems that the trees are talking to each others as neighbors. What do you think?

Wait..wait.. listen.. Can't wait till the warm weather is in full bloom so we could start growing like normal trees again.. LOL.

We also spotted a couple of hawks flying around the area..

Have a good day everyone!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My kids and I share the same passion when in comes to gardening. We all love gardening, I could never do my gardening activity without them trying to help. This was taken a week before we leave Korea. I will miss the free flowers that is being supplied to every household every year at the base. But I am happy that we are back home.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flowers for you Mommy

I was browsing my photo archive and saw this photo that I took before we left S. Korea. My daughter game this when they were out playing in the garden. She came in and said "Flowers for you Mom!" Since I couldn't preserve its freshness, I took a lasting memory of it. So here you go folks. Does your kids give you flowers too?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tax... EJ.. flowers.. etc.

We used to do our taxes online through Turbo Tax but this year we decided to have it done by H&R Block because of the 1099 that we have. There are certain things that we weren't sure where to enter it. Our niece Jen who work in H&R Block was the one who did it.

Thanks Jen for getting us back extra hundreds, see it helps when it is being done by professionals.

Our little man was in the mood for hide and seek so it was my moment of capturing it while playing with him.

I love this assortment of plant that they have in the reception's area.

A perfect one for Today's Flower.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pups napping

This is how these two always ends up after they play. We put Chelsea on a leash for w while because she was in-heat when we took her home. We did not want her to bleed on the carpet so we just let her stay in the kitchen.

Have a good weekend everyone. It is raining cats and dogs in here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Black Bean Chicken

I woke up early last Monday because my husband had to go to the hospital to do one of the requirement he has for his course. I thought that I would be able to blog while the kids were sleeping but our Internet was acting up so I decided to cook lunch very early.

I remember the black bean mix that I bought in Korea but was never used there so I tried my luck. It was my first time to cook black bean chicken. I thought that hubby wouldn't like it but.
He gave it a two thumbs up. He said "I am proud of you hon." Wohoooo..
Have a good Friday everyone.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The present that hubby got from the kids and I are three sets of jeans. One of them was a little long so I hemmed it at my FIL's new sewing machine. The only difficulty I had hemming jeans is the thick part of it because it is very hard to sew it hehehe.
Please don't disturb, I am busy lol.
Okay, I am almost done.
Hope your week is great, we have some pretty warm weather so the kids are always outside playing.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chilly Walk

Yesterday was a little warmer so we took the kids for a walk at my father-in-laws place. We walked four blocks which gave our kids so much exercise. Prior to that, my husband and I went for a walk too when the weather was still frigid, here are some photos. You'll find more of the photos at my Husband's blog.
I love the look of this tree, its bare but still holds its beauty. Do you agree?
This is the river that is separating West Virginia and Ohio. My husband and I love taking a walk on this side because the view is gorgeous.
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Sugarcreek Roadtrips

It's been a while since we last visited Sugarcreek.  We used to go there almost every weekend just so we can drive around and see other ...

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