I was teaching my daughter basic math in our front yard last Thursday and we had so much fun. My son is not very interested in learning things yet so he was just running around playing. I asked Rylie if she is ready to go to school and she was so confident when she told me " I am ready."
It's funny when we are doing math because she is using all her fingers and toes as a calculator lol. I would love for you to see the video I recorded but for some reason it would not upload here and I am very disappointed. It is very hard for me to upload a video that is why I seldom post an article with video.
Since the video of our math lecture wouldn't ulpoad, I will just share this music video of Marian Rivera that my daughter love to dance. She also starting to memorize the lyrics. Again, I have recorded a video while she was dancing but it would not..... grrrrrrrrrrrrr...