We used to visit Tomlinson Run many times a year every summer but it hasn't been that often this year. We visited only on the first week of this month and it was a fun time for all of us. Tomlinson Run is s state park in West Virginia, it is located in 84 Osage Road, New Manchester, WV 26056.
This State Park sits on 1,398 acres along the small Ohio River and lies near the foremost tip of the panhandle, in Hancock County. It is 17-20 minutes drive from our place.
Our kids are getting bigger and their preference of doing things is changing but one thing for sure that they still love is exploring nature. We all share that passion.
They used to enjoy climbing into the slides but not anymore. All I get is goofy pose lol.They still love catching cray fish though. That's onething that they always love to do. We catch cray fish and then we let them go at the end.
We were not the only family who love to explore the nature. We've seen several families there.
They used to end up getting wet at the end of the adventure but this time, they did not. They learned how to walk on those rocks without falling or busting their behinds.
There are so many things to do in this state park but we just love to stay by the water. I remember a couple of years ago, we all went for a small hike and my kids got tortured with mosquitoes.
Going to a state park is one way of unplugging the kids from their gadgets. It's a great bonding for the whole family.
It is relaxing and everyone always enjoys it. I always find joy in watching my kids in this type of setting.
I will post a part 2 of this so you can see how many they caught hehehe. They turned it into competitionwhich was fun!
How about you, what do you do when you unplug from gadgets? Do you take away the ki-ds gadget once in a while. My kids only get to use their on weekend and sometimes, they don't get it at all especially when we do things like this.