8 Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. Can't wait till we can go back to our home sweet home in December
2. That John will be picked up for promotion.
3. Visit Philippines again before we go back to States.
4. To go to Japan for a visit hehehe.
5. Paying off our debts.
6. Hearing my son talk in full blast hehehe, but he is getting there.
7. To be with our family back home.
8. Be a US Citizen.
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Took nap because of head ache.
2. Cooked Adobo.
3. Did some blogging opportunities and hop around.
4. Cleaned the house.
5. Watched TV with the kids.
6. Did the dishes.
7. Read a book to my makukulits.
8. Did some laundry and folded them.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Travel around the world.
2. Help my siblings financially.
3. Visit Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong and Australia hehehe.
4. Fly an airplane.
5. Bring Mama in the States.
6. Stop war and spread out peace through out the world.
7. Magic,... so i can make a lotta money to give to my family.
8. Stop those pirates from attacking innocent people.
8 Shows I Watch
1. We were soldiers
2. American Idol
3. Dancing witht he Stars
4. Grey's Anatomy
6. Survivor
7. Fear Factor
8. Cinderella man
8 People I Tag1. Kuya Totz
2. Anney
3. Tita Beng
4. Manang Kim
5. Madz
6. Ate Weng
7. Clarissa
8. Anzu's Mom

My son love to wear my sunglasses when we were in the Philippines hehehe..Picture taken in front of the Oxford Hotel where we stayed in Manila..