The Burritos playing sack race at our living room. Our dog Champ decided to join and accidentally bit Mr. Burrito on the leg. It ruined the fun.
Happy weekend.Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Beautiful Weekend
We have a bright day today, still cold but the sun is shining just like last weekend when took this photo.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Gnomeo & Juliet
One of my children's favorite movie is the Gnomeo and Juliet. This animated tale knowingly follows the quintessential star-crossed lovers tragedy Romeo and Juliet, with the unexpected twist of making the characters garden gnomes that can move when human beings aren't watching.
I definitely recommend this movie, it's a fun-filled movie with lots of lessons to learn for small kids.
Little Fashionista
One of my daughter's favorite game at home is dressing up. She love to explore the fashion world in her own way. One of her favorite accessories is hat. Sometimes, my husband and I would laugh because she would come up with different styles of her own. She has a stack of toddler hats that I keep in the closet and once in a while she would take those out and mix -n-match it with dresses and shoes.

Would you like to see beautiful baby hats for girls? I found this online and thought that if I have another girl, it would be so much fun. I am sure that my daughter would love to dress up her sister.. wink. She actually asked us to have another baby again but it has to be a girl so she could have a sister lol. Check out the best baby hats that my little girl used to wear when she was younger. Most of it were made by my sister in law who is very creative in making stuff.
Foamy Bug
Our neighbor gave this to Mas. Burrito. They made it out of the left over spray insulation foam material. We call her Ms. Foamy Bug.
Thanks Don and Ruth, you guys rock!
Music Downloads
My husband and I just recently hooked in watching the TV show called "The Voice." Have you ever watch that show? I think that this show started last year but I never really paid attention to it till this year. Last night was the last blind audition and all the four coaches which includes Christina Aguilera, Blake Shelton, Adam Levne of Marron 5, and Cee Lo Green have selected and completed their team of twelve. This would be my first time to watch this show so I dunno how do they eliminate contestant and how they determine whose team wins. But let us see what will I find out by watching it this season.
So far, we enjoy how the show works. I think that Blake and Adam has really good artists in their team. It said on the report that team Adam won last year and I am excited to see who will win this year. All of the performances during the blind auditions are available for music downloads so if you ever miss the performance of those artists that you like, you can still listen and watch it by downloading it online. What I like about this show is that most of the contestants are really talented so it is like a battle of great performers who never get a chance to stardom. The Voice is a great opportunity for them to shine and be recognized.
I love that you would see different performances of great songs from popular artists like Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, and other artists in the music industry. It's funny to watch the coaches when they are battling or trying to sell their speeches to the contestants. Oh that is one more thing that I like about The Voice, the contestants have the power to choose who they want to be their coach as long as the chair of these coaches turn around and invited the contestant to their team. There are some who audition that I think should have made the coaches team but they were not able to spark the interest of the four coaches.
Do you have a specific artist that you are very fond of? I think that young generation like Pink, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Selena Gomez, and more. I am a big fan of Celine Dion, ABBA, The Carpenters, and many other great performers from yesteryear. My kind of music is inspired by my mother who love to sing when I was growing up. I used to listen to her when she would listen to the Sunday music on the radio and would sing with it. Oh those were the days.
Cabela's Landmark
Nail Files
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Coo Coo (Cuckoo) Clock
An old wall clock at my father-in-law's basement. I believe this makes bird sound "Coo Coo" and the bird comes out. It's not working now though, somebody busted it.
"Ones reputation is like a shadow, it is gigantic when it precedes you,
and a pigmy in proportion when it follows."
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Personal Loans
I bet most people who got done filing taxes are still waiting for their refunds. Personal Loans can help you get the quick cash that you need while still waiting for your tax return (if there's any). It is so nice that there are companies that offer those kinds of loans. You just need to look for the lower interest rates.
Blurred Image
One day, my daughter used my DSLR camera and the next day that I used it, it was blurry. I got worried so I read the manual to know what went wrong and I think she accidentally changed the setting of the auto focus. This is one of the shots that I took when I didn't know what was wrong yet.
How to plan for your family's Easter Holiday
Anyone who has planned a holiday gathering for fiends and family can safely tell you that it is no small feat. There is quite a lot of planning and catering to everyone that must take place in order to make the family event as successful as possible. There is also a lot of planning that is involved in getting together with relatives, whether they live down the street from you or father away. There is also a lot of work that is needed in order to prepare your home, or the home of anyone who has decided to host guests over the holidays.
One of the most popular of these holidays is of course, the Christmas season. Another of the most popular holidays that is currently celebrated are the Easter holidays. It is not only a time for brightly colored clothing, and warm weather but it is also a time for families to be able to get together and spend time with one another. Most families, with as much time that they spend apart from each other it is difficult for families to spend as much time with each other as they would wish to.
In order to spend more time with each other, many companies and schools allow people the day off in order to spend time with their families. In addition, there are also many different parts of the holiday that are celebrated. There are Easter egg hunts that are put on by the different neighborhoods and communities. There is also the traditional visit to the Easter bunny, as well as the Easter baskets that are given to the children every year. These gifts are typically kept from the children until the holiday much the same way that we are resigned to wait before opening Christmas presents.
Easter gift baskets for kids are some of the most popular things to give during this season. They are usually filled with different kinds of candy and other sweet things like Easter bunnies that are made from chocolate. These gift baskets may also be filled with things like small toys or even books according to the interests of the child that they are meant for. In the case of most children it typically does not matter what the baskets include they are both easily amused as well as easily pleased.
There are also different methods by which you can create these Easter gift baskets for kids whether you choose to look online for a how to guide or you choose to follow different advice that you may have been given through the different magazines and things like that. If you decide that you need some assistance with creating these gift baskets you may also find it helpful to enlist the help of a friend or relative in order to get the opinion of a third party.
Whether you are planning to host guests for Christmas or for Easter it is important to not overload yourself with too much work. Becoming overloaded with your schedule can cause stress that is unnecessary.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Under the Shadow
"Do we not all spend the greater part of our lives
under the shadow of an event that has not yet come to pass?"
- Maurice Maeterlinck -
Have a good weekend everyone!
Cloud Storage
Have you ever heard of the cloud storage? It's one way of backing up your files and having an access to it anywhere you go. Why buy expensive storage gadget if you can get a free cloud storage? Hubby recently created an account to a website similar to this one where he can store all his school data and stuff. Then he recently discover a free software from Google where you can do the same. He told me that with Google, he can share his document to anyone, edit it at the same time, and many other cool features.
Well guess what, not only Google has that feature. Just cloud offer their services for free for you to use. You can store your data at Just cloud, their program is simple, fast, and unlimited. You can check it out by visiting the link I have provided above. This is great especially if your computer is as old as mine and you have that feeling that any time soon, it's going to crash. When you store your data at Just Cloud storage, you are ensured that you have a back files that you can open anytime and anywhere in the world.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Lovely Erasers
We bought these lovely erasers at the store for Ms. Burrito. A small token of our love and appreciation of her hardwork in keeping her good grades. We love you Anak!
Adjustable Dining Tables
When we bought our dining room set, the major attraction was the dining table because it can be shorten or make it longer. I think that most of the large dining room tables nowadays are adjustable in length. I noticed that when we were looking at different dining tables a few years back. I like this kind of dining tables because you can make it shorter or longer depending on the size of the room or size of the family members that would be using it.
Tree Against the Sky
"A tree against the sky possesses the same interest, the same character,
the same expression as the figure of a human."
-Georges Rouault-
Car Issues
My husband misses his brother who passed away months ago. When it comes to car issues, my BIL was really good at it and my husband would always asked him about stuff, say for instance a Tube Bending. Now that he's gone, hubby find himself browsing the net for answers to his questions. Sometimes he gets frustrated when he can't find the right one that he's looking for. The good thing is, there are so many online stores that you can browse and compare prices with.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Our Bunny Wubzy
During Winter, our bunny, Wubzy, stays in our house. We let him stay at the basement using his cage. During day time, we let him run around and his favorite hang out place is the gym area.
He is not aloof anymore, he come to us whenever we go at the basement or he goes up when we leave our door open upstairs. Today, I think he got threatened by our son and he nipped him a little bit. It wasn't bad which I am thankful because he never had a rabies shot.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Emergency Assistance Cry
Last Friday morning while I was busy preparing lunch for my husband, breakfast for my kids, and walked my daughter to school, an email hacker invaded my privacy through my email. They hacked my email account and used it for two hours to send a scam email to all of my contacts asking for money. One of my friends from Japan replied to the said email and the hacker immediately replied.
"Am glad you replied back,we missed our return flight and was unable to access the internet until now, I have nothing left on me right now and I am lucky to have my life and passports with me it would have been worst if they had made away with my passports. Well all I need now is just $1,550 you can have it wired to my name via Western Union I'll have to show my passport as ID to pick it up here and i promise to pay you back as soon as I get back home.Here's my info below:
Name: Rose Cottrill
Location: 63 Cannon Street
London, EC4N 5AA, UK
As soon as it is done, kindly get back to me with the Western Union Confirmation Number. Let me know if you are heading to the WU outlet now???"
After resolving the problem that I had with my email, I dug deeper of who is living in the said address and here's what I found. It's a business establishment called "The Center".
The Centre - Newsagents in Leet Street, St Paul's EC4N 5AA
63 Cannon StreetLeet Street, St Paul'sLondon EC4N 5AA
- Telephone: 020 7248 4190
- Fax: 020 7248 4190
There are two individuals who are doing this kind of awful thing. One is from Nigeria, he was doing the cracking of your password and doing all the emails thing and the second one is the one who works in London who collects the money if ever someone fall for their scam.
I was deeply troubled with this unfortunate event because even our emails which is supposed to be protected with password is being invaded by criminals. I got so many calls and emails from friends and family asking me if the message they receive was true. Good thing, I immediately changed my log in info as soon as I noticed the very suspicious set up in my email when I logged in. I know right there and then that my account was compromised and I was right.
For those who receive this emergency assistance cry from my email, please just delete it. Don't entertain these scumbags who lures people of their scams.
I was deeply troubled with this unfortunate event because even our emails which is supposed to be protected with password is being invaded by criminals. I got so many calls and emails from friends and family asking me if the message they receive was true. Good thing, I immediately changed my log in info as soon as I noticed the very suspicious set up in my email when I logged in. I know right there and then that my account was compromised and I was right.
For those who receive this emergency assistance cry from my email, please just delete it. Don't entertain these scumbags who lures people of their scams.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Jenifer Aniston turns 43
Jennifer Aniston turns 43 years old last Saturday (February 11) . How I wish I would look as young as she is when I reach that age but I doubt it because I don't have the moolah to spend for beauty maintenance lol.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Valentines and Roses
Valentine's Day reminds me of South Korea because of the flowers that I have frozen over time that we were there. The house that we live in inside the base supplied us with a huge freezer which gave me a lot of space to store these beauties. Unfortunately, I had to threw them away when we had to leave.
Now I learned my lesson, I don't freeze flowers anymore but I dried them. They may not look as fresh as the frozen ones but at least I can keep them for long.
Thanks for leaving your comment.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Babies 'N Bellies
No, I am not pregnant, if that is what you are thinking at the moment lol. I kinda miss wearing maternity clothes and not only that, I also miss the times when my kids are still babies. The sweet bonding that I had with my babies when I nursed them is absolutely precious. But anyhow, if you are looking for fashionable maternity dresses and other type of maternity clothing, there so many of it to to choose from at Babies N' Belies.
Travel Overseas
When we were living overseas, I was always thinking of coming back home but now that we're finally here, I realized that I miss it there. I miss the travel s and all that fun stuff that we did like hiking and island hopping. But I am always optimistic, we might get lucky someday and get a chance to travel the world hehehe. I might wake up one day looking for a Cheap Car Hire Malta or somewhere in Europe. That would be a dream come true. Oh boy, I am dreaming again.. grins.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Dolce & Gabbana
I wasn't able to do anything online today. My PC keep hanging up (Google Crashes) so I ran my defraggler and it is now just finished. It gave me a good bit of space after the process which also fixed the crashing of my browser. Do you do defragging?
Anyhow, here are some of my D stuff in my dresser. The Delicate Petals along with a Love Spell lotion from Victoria's Secret that our very good neighbors gave me. Hubby also gave me a set of Victoria Secret's perfume and one of it's scent is the Desire.
A testing company sent me this bottle of Dolce & Gabbana perfume for evaluation. I liked it.
Mary Poppins
Do you remember the Mary Poppins show? I was able to watched this when I was in high school already. We did not have TV growing up so when I went to High School and the owner of the house where I live has one, it gave me a chance to see things that I missed lol.
Going into the Spectacular Journey into the Movies was fun for me, it reminded me of some of the scene I've seen in the past. Disney World is so much fun but in order to see each attraction, you will have to do your vacation for the whole month I guess lol.
Enough Shadows
“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.”
Blaise Pascal
(French Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist, 1623-1662)
Wishing you a great weekend everyone!Shadow Shot Sunday 2
Friday, February 3, 2012
Miniature Chefs
These photos were taken during Mr. Burrito's birthday party last month. These two cute angels, Gracie and Bumble Bee, were busy "cooking" at Ms. Burrito's kitchen so I hurried up and grabbed the camera.
They did not know that I took picture of them but when they saw the flash, they both looked and smiled at me lol. Oh the joy of having kids around!
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Sugarcreek Roadtrips
It's been a while since we last visited Sugarcreek. We used to go there almost every weekend just so we can drive around and see other ...