If you have been following the stock market, you would know by now that is soring high ever since the election. Hubby and I doesn't participate in stock market but we have some small investments that fluctuates based in the performance3 of the stock market so I I watches it from time to time. I was so excited when the DOW finally reached 20 thousand and just 24 days (if I am not mistaken) after it hits 20k, it is now 21 thousand. That is so exciting.
I wish that I have plenty of money to invest because the market is really doing great these days. I also wish that every politician could come and work together to address the issues in the government. It's very frustrating and disappointing to see the division from the conservative and democrat party constantly bashing each other. I think if they would channel that energy into solving problems, the economy would really boom and problem will get solve rather quickly.
I suggest you to buy lotto ticket. Just try maybe you win jackpot price....and if ever you win, share me,hehe..