Christmas is a great time of year to show how much you care by buying gifts for your friends and loved ones. If it is a surprise then you will get a lot more enjoyment out of giving them the gift, but how do you keep people from seeing the gifts before the big day? Here are 5 great places to hide Christmas gifts until you are ready to give them.
At a Friend’s House
Hiding them at your own house might seem like risky business, especially if you have older children who like to snoop around and try and find out what their presents are early. If you have a good friend or family member who has some spare space why not ask them if you can store the presents there and collect them just before Christmas. If the items are larger items then you will definitely not want to risk having them at home where the kids or other family member might stumble upon them and ruin the surprise.
Leave it on Layby
One great way to ensure that the Christmas presents stay hidden until Christmas is to put them on layby and pick them up just before Christmas. Not only will it mean that they are kept as a surprise but you will be able to pay them off gradually which will be better on the hip pocket, and will give you a chance to choose things that you really want to get the kids. Another great advantage of doing it this way is that you will know that the gifts are kept safe and secure in the shop, and if they are damaged before Christmas it’s not your problem.
If you have particularly large gifts, or even a large number of gifts and want to keep things really secret why not hire a storage unit. If you already have a storage unit then it won’t take too much trouble to just add a couple more things to the room. There are storage units of different sizes available at different storage places so you are bound to find something that works for you and is in your price range. Check out for a storage place near you.
In the Garage
Storing things at home might be a risky business, but if you have a garage that you already store things in then it might be easy for you to hide the Christmas presents among the rest of the stuff. Often the kids might not think to look in the garage because they are used to seeing stuff in there, and your presents will remain a secret until the big day.

In Your Wardrobe
If you have a big wardrobe, or even a shelf up high from little grabbing hands then this might be a good place to store the pressies so little people don’t find them. Again if you have older children who like to explore then they might find them, but if you hide them well you may just get away with it.
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