Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wubzy's Freedom

Everyday, we are letting Wubzy run around the yard
He likes leaping through the grasses and eating some of plants leaves.
We are keeping an eye on him every time he is enjoying his freedom because he love eating my lilies wahhh.
I think, he loves being outside and the fact that his house is bigger now.
We decided not to get him a girlfriend anymore.
Have a good weekend everyone!

Camera Critters


  1. wow, finally, up na ang blogger/blogspot. waaaaaaaaaa

  2. It seems to be, once, I read that lilies can be poisonous. I may be wrong but I guess that beautiful rabbit should stick to grass. He's really gorgeous.

    My Camera Critter post is at:

  3. That is a cute one hehe, he roams around freely.

  4. your bunny is adorable! :-)

  5. Looks like Wubzy is enjoying his freedom. Sorry he likes your lilies, but can you blame him?! Happy SSS to you and your family.

  6. What a cute little rabbit you have. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I've just known that you have a rabbit, Rose! I hope you can share his cute close up face- one day :)

    Have a great weekend...

  8. A friend of mine has a pet rabbit that he allows to run loose in the house. He said they can be house trained like a cat.

  9. What an adventurous fellow, very cute!!

  10. What a cute little bunny! Thank you for visiting my cottage country friends!

  11. Nice pictures of Wubzy, it's going very well.

  12. So cute! I would love to get a bunny :)

  13. Your bunny looks like an oversized tom cat, hehehe. The colors are those of a cat and not of a bunny. Your kids must have loved to play with him. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.


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