Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shed Rooftop

It has been known to some close friends that  one of the reasons why we can't easily leave the place where we live right now is the  fact that we have great neighbors here.  My kids love having  set of Ate, Titas, and  Lolo and Lola.  We are so blessed to have a found a place where neighbors care and look out for each other.  
They get to experience having grandparents nearby who teaches them to do things, fun things like these photos when they get to climb the roof of the shed. If you want to climb on the roof of your own shed, make sure it is sturdy enough to hold you, like a prefab steel building.
 If our house has the  space that we all need, we won't leave this place because we feel so secure and belong here.
 For now, our need of extra space is outweighed by the kindness of our neighbors.
 All we could do  for now is to expand our   current home by renovating it.

1 comment:

  1. Good neighbours come far in between. If I were you, I would stay there and probably just do a garage sale and sell things that take up space in our home that we actually haven't used. That way, you get to organize and maximize the available space you have. Or, have an extension like a day room where it's enclosed with glasses so you get natural light most of the time. You can put your dining area there and convert the old dining area to another room for your other functions.


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